About Us

We are Trenton's Ninth Grade Academy affectionately known as TNGA. 

We believe:

  •  Students thrive in a safe, secure, and enriched learning environment
  •  Students are responsible for their own learning
  •  Our curriculum must reflect the diversity of our students’ cultures
  •  Every student is valued and must be treated with respect and dignity
  •  The faculty must use varied teaching strategies to address the multiple intelligences of our students
  •  Our students are a reflection of our commitment to their education and future
  •  Parent involvement and community involvement are critical to student success 
  •  The growth of character is essential for the development of good citizenship
Trenton’s Ninth Grade Academy
Phone: 609-656-4820
Fax: 609-337-7501



Dr. Laura Martin, Principal 

Mark Hoppe, Vice Principal 

Dr. Glinys Caceres, Vice Principal 

Recent News



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